Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mix It Up

There's no denying the fact that we all slip up. On the job, with the family, with our regimes, in life. It's just the way it goes, so, you can beat yourself up, or you can recognize and start fresh.

As with all exercise plans it's important - no, crucial - to mix it up. Not only does this keep you from dying of boredom but it also keeps the body stimulated and working to its full potential. Don't get me wrong - if you have a strict routine that you've done for years and is serving you well, power to you. But if you're a newbie or not a passionate about physical fitness at heart, the only way that you will maintain any kind of sustained daily exercise is by keeping it new and varied. Trust me, I speak from experience.

Whatever your current sweat-inducing practice of choice may be, ask yourself, "Am I bored? Is this serving me best?" It might be subconscious but if there's even a glimmer of stagnant energy when you lace up your running shoes or step onto your mat, decide to try something different, even if it's just that one day.

If you're heading out for your daily four-mile loop, commit to changing the pace - interval training is proven to kick-start your metabolism, burning more calories faster, and is a new focus for your mind. If you're pulling on your spandex for the same 45 minute routine, log onto YouTube and search for a new sequence to try. Make yourself a kick-ass playlist (I'll be posting some soon) - music can be a great source of inspiration and energy. Just go for it. Give yourself and your routine a break and see what happens.

Our bodies, like our minds, are easily trained to fall into patterns, and if we don't vary their stimulation they can quickly become stagnant. Muscles need to be worked. They need to be flexed and challenged in order to support our skeletal system, healthy circulation, toned and properly functioning organs, increased calorie use. You've heard it before but it's worth saying again: muscle burns more calories than fat. So pick up a dumbbell, drop and try a push-up, work your body and it'll work for you.

1 comment:

  1. Its so true, the thing that trips me up over and over is the boredom after a while...reading this helps shake the lethargy, will WALK FAST today, all the way home..
